Cayo Levantado a Chaiacio + Snorkelu


Tour privado de kayak y esnórquel en la bahía de Samaná, República Dominicana con guías turísticos locales. No dude en configurar la hora de inicio que más le convenga. Reserve ahora esta Excursión en la Bahía de Samaná para vivir la verdadera Aventura Caribeña.

Nota: ¡Este tour es privado!


Seleccione la fecha de la excursión:


From Samaná port Private Tour

Private Kayaking & Snorkeling with Lunch on Cayo Levantado Island


Avoid big groups of tourists and make your Private Kayaking & Snorkeling Tour in Samaná Bay starting from Samaná port.

Admire 40 min unparalleled panoramic views of the Samana Bay from the sea in kayak going for snorkeling in the crystal waters off a nearby beach of the famous Cayo Levantado/Bacardi island. Where we can stretch our legs and wear our snorkeling kits, there’s another world to explore!
After snorkeling we will go to take a typical Dominican lunch provided on the beach and discover the most beautiful island in the Dominican Republic. Home to a beautiful luxury hotel, white sandy beaches, lush rain-forest and incredible skilled artists offering their handmade paintings and other products.

What you can do on the island?
Swimming, walking around, playing volleyball, taking photos, snorkeling, enjoying the beach or just relaxing in shadow and taking a refreshing beverage (Piña Colada, Coco Loco, Cuba Libre etc.) There are many options how to enjoy the island for everyone!

On our way back to Samana we change perspective and our attention is captured by details that we had not noticed before, enjoying every single meter approximately 40 min.

We are the only one who offer this Tour in the whole Dominican Republic! This unique experience is a nature and sea lover’s dream come true.

Nodyn: This tour is Private. (Just you and family or friends and Tour Guide).


Cynhwysiadau a Gwaharddiadau




  1. Buffet lunch on the beach
  2. Tour Guide
  3. Kayaks, paddle
  4. Lifejacket
  5. Snorkeling kit
  6. Yr holl drethi, ffioedd a thaliadau trin
  7. Trethi lleol
  8. Beverages (Bottle of water per person)


  1. Diolchgarwch
  2. Car Trosglwyddo
  3. Diodydd Meddwol


Gadael a Dychwelyd

This trip starts at 8:00 Am and finishes around 4:00 Pm. But because it will be a private trip you may set the time for starting and to finish.

Bydd y teithiwr yn cael man cyfarfod ar ôl y Broses Archebu. Teithiau yn cychwyn ac yn Gorffen yn ein mannau cyfarfod.


Beth i'w Ddisgwyl?


Mynnwch eich tocynnau for Kayaking & Snorkeling in Samana Bay. 40 min of unparalleled panoramic views of the Samana Bay from the sea in kayak and snorkeling in the crystal waters off a nearby beach of the famous Cayo Levantado/Bacardi. Typical Dominican Lunch provided on the beach. In the whale watching season there is possibility to see the humpback whales.

The Kayaking & Snorkeling Tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Lunch at the beach and you can stay as long as you want swimming around. If you are Vegan we also can set some food for you.


8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Beth ddylech chi ddod?

  • Camera
  • Towel
  • Sun protection
  • Het
  • Comfortable pants and shoes
  • Sandals to the beach
  • Gwisgo nofio
  • Arian parod ar gyfer cofroddion


Pickup Gwesty

Ni chynigir casglu gwesty ar gyfer y daith hon.


Nodyn: os ydych yn archebu o fewn 24 awr i amser gadael y daith/Gwibdaith, gallwn drefnu codi'r gwesty gyda Thaliadau ychwanegol. Unwaith y bydd eich pryniant wedi'i gwblhau, byddwn yn anfon gwybodaeth gyswllt gyflawn atoch (rhif ffôn, cyfeiriad e-bost, ac ati) ar gyfer ein canllaw Taith leol i drefnu trefniadau casglu.

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol Cadarnhad

  1. Los boletos son el Recibo después de pagar este Tour. Puede mostrar el pago en su teléfono.
  2. El punto de encuentro se recibirá después del proceso de reserva.
  3. Los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto.
  4. silla de ruedas accesible
  5. Los bebés deben sentarse en el regazo
  6. La mayoría de los viajeros pueden participar

Política de cancelación

Para obtener un reembolso completo, cancele al menos 24 horas antes de la fecha de inicio de la experiencia.


Reservas de aventuras

 Guías turísticos y servicios para huéspedes locales  y  nacionales

Reservas:  Tours y Excursiones en Dom. Reps.

📞 Ffôn / Whatsapp   (+1) 829 318 9463 .

📩 [email protected]

Teithiau Somos yn breifat o ffurfweddu hyblyg trwy Whatsapp:  (+1) 829 318 9463.

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